A-Z of fundraising ideas

Auction of promises – offer goods or services to be auctioned (e.g. cleaning a car, chauffeur for the day, haircut)

Bake off, book sales, bike ride

Coffee morning, car wash, comedy night

Dress up day, disco

Easter party or egg hunt, e-bay sale

Family/friends fun day, five-a-side football tournament, fancy dress

Golf tournament, garden party, gym competition, give up something

Head shave, Halloween party

Indoor sports competition

Jazz night, jumble sale

Kite flying competition, karaoke, knit

Local runs and challenges, lotteries, line dancing

Marathons, mobile phone recycling, midsummer party

Non-uniform day

Opera evening, office swear box

Picnic in the park, pool party

Quiz night, quit something for sponsorship

Raffles, race for Friends of Refugees

Swim-a-thon, sponsored shave, sweepstakes, salsa evening

Tea party, treasure hunt, talent competition

Unwanted gift donation

Volleyball tournament

Wine and cheese party, world food night

Xmas fete, X Factor themed party


Zumbathon, zany events



Hi, my name is Judy O’Donnell from Mt Martha and I welcome all refugees to our beautiful country , especially when they are coming from such atrocious conditions in their country. We all live on one planet and I know from my extensive traveling that they would do the same if we were in their situation.
Judy O'Donnell
Your Voices from the TODAY AND EVERYDAY #IamWithYou Movement