FOR’s Vision is for asylum seekers and refugees to be respected and valued members of the Australian community.


FOR’s mission is to advocate, support, facilitate and promote the integration of asylum seekers and refugees living in Australia and to enable them to become part of an inclusive Australian society by:

  • Increasing the awareness of Australians people about the plight of the asylum seekers and refugees situation in Australia and by helping to foster positive relationships with each other.
  • Supporting asylum seekers fleeing persecution and treating them with respect and dignity so that they receive the same care and access to opportunities as any other person in Australia.
  • Empowering asylum seekers and refugees to be self-sufficient so that they can be recognised as valuable contributors to the community and the economy.
  • Seeking to address the service gaps in support networks by quickly addressing unmet and emerging needs.


FOR’s core values comprise:

  • Compassion – We demonstrate empathy by encouraging and supporting people’s self-determination and strengths.
  • Support – Our grassroots services are formed to fill in the service gaps without overlapping with other complementary charities
  • Empowerment – We help people build their confidence and independence
  • Independence – FOR is not aligned with any specific religion or political party
  • Agility – We remain flexible to respond to changing needs
  • Inclusive – We assist all asylum seekers and refugees regardless of race, religion, gender, health or sexuality


I support refugees by giving emotional support via Facebook. I donate to refugee organisations & I attend vigils & rallies. I do this because their situation is so dire thanks to our government’s policies
Bridget Carr
Your Voices from the TODAY AND EVERYDAY #IamWithYou Movement