Friends of Refugees is committed to increasing the awareness of the Australian people about the plight of refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia and to building positive relationships with each other through our Advocacy  programs. Please join us celebrating their contribution to our Australian community at our REFUGEE WEEK-RASRA and SHOW YOU CARE with our #IamWithYou Movement.




The Refugee and Asylum Seekers Recognition Awards (RASRA) recognises individuals from a refugee and asylum seeker background for their outstanding contribution to the Australian community. It also recognises the volunteers who have contributed significantly to the advancement of refugee resettlement and the betterment of refugees’ lives in Australia. The RASR Awards also mark and form part of the celebrations for Refugee Week (16-22 June 2019) – Australia’s peak annual activity to inform the public on refugee issues. Recipients are recognised at an Awards Ceremony held during the Refugee Week.

Do you know a refugee or person seeking asylum worthy of recognition for their contribution to the Australian society?

Do you know a volunteer who has contributed significantly to the advancement of refugee resettlement and the betterment of refugees lives in Australia?

Please nominate them for the RASR Awards 2019.
Click on this link to download the nomination forms RASRA-2019-nomination-and-info

Click on this link to download the invitation RASRA2019-Invitation.

Applications close May 20th 2019 so please nominate ASAP!

This is a invite only event. RSVP to the event at  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/refugee-asylum-seeker-recognition-awards-iamwithyou-campaign-tickets-25712421545


The #IamWithYou movement which was launched on the World Refugee Day 2016 reaches out to all Australians to show that we are a humane society that welcomes and cherishes the contribution of all refugees and people seeking asylum. To add your voice to the rising tide of people asking for a better treatment of people seeking protection please visit www.iamwithyou.org.au  


TAKE ACTION & SHOW YOU CARE- Say #IamWithYou to people seeking asylum in Australia

The #iamwithyou campaign is how you can show that you welcome refugees and want a better treatment for the people seeking protection in Australia.

Do you want to join the growing number of Australians who want both sides of the government to cease the inhumane treatment of people seeking asylum?

The #IamWithYou campaign, launched on World Refugee Day 2016, is how you can show that you welcome refugees and want better treatment for the people seeking protection in Australia.

Why do our policies continue to be unfair to people who seek our protection?

It is because the policy makers believe that we, the people asking for change, only represent a small section of Australian society.

We think it’s time to show them they’re wrong.

We want to keep showing our support for people’s right to safety. As the groundswell grows, this website will become a testament to the fact that it’s time for change, and we’re not going away until we get it. Add Your Voice now at www.iamwithyou.org.au

Add your voice now

We’re gathering your messages of support to show policymakers, to prove that it’s time to find a better way. This World Refugee Day and in the lead up to the federal election, we’re going to flood social media with messages of support for people’s right to safety. But we’re not going to stop there. As the groundswell grows, this website will become a testament to the fact that it’s time for change, and we’re not going away until we get it. Add Your Voice Now at www.iamwithyou.org.au



Hi, my name is Judy O’Donnell from Mt Martha and I welcome all refugees to our beautiful country , especially when they are coming from such atrocious conditions in their country. We all live on one planet and I know from my extensive traveling that they would do the same if we were in their situation.
Judy O'Donnell
Your Voices from the TODAY AND EVERYDAY #IamWithYou Movement