Refugee Champion Award
“Welcome the stranger, care for those in need, feed the hungry, care for the sick, comfort those who are grieving, listen to those who come seeking help” this motto has been followed very diligently by Fr Peter Carrucan, the parish priest of Holy Eucharist Parish, St Albans South. The influx of post war migrants and refugees from communist countries in the 1950s led to the rapid growth of the western suburbs. Responding to all calls for help, Fr Peter sought the support of every service available. He started a NILS (no interest loan scheme) where refugees could borrow money without interest and repay the loan over a certain period of time. He sought permission from the Archdiocese to finance the purchase of a house to give temporary accommodation to homeless families. He appealed for clothing, food and assistance from the parishioners to help the newly arrived in whatever way was possible.
Fr Peter still continues to “Welcome the Stranger” and spread love despite retiring. His passion for supporting those seeking refuge never seems to tire and makes him a true champion.