Practical Work Experience & English

The Practical Work Experience emphasises on the knowledge and skills learnt during the pre-employment training and theoretical knowledge of a specific trade, craft or job function. The training focuses on the practical applications of the skills learned or acquired and it provides the much-needed hands-on instruction in a specific trade. It works as a connecting link between theoretical education and the real working environment. The practical work placements are conducted in our own social enterprises or with partner organisations.

The Practical Work English program helps build General English skills by working on practical, work-related vocabulary, and focuses on the language needed in the workplace and help participants gain the means to express themselves effectively in English in their workplace. When English is a second or a third language for many adults in the people seeking asylum community, it is often very hard to grasp English in a classroom setting, people learn better in a practical environment and are able to use and practise their new vocabulary.

Operational Ethos

This is a challenge that FOR takes head on and strives to educate or up skill people and communities with low English and skills in not only English, homework support for children but also in vocational training projects in order to make them self-sustaining and financially independent.At the end of the practical work placement participants will receive a certificate of completion and job reference to help them find work in their field, while supported by volunteer mentors.

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